About Me

My photo
I am a fun loving mom and wife to my wonderful husband, Ted. We were married 25 years ago in 1985. I saw him, and I picked him up. He was wearing a tag that read "AS IS, No Refunds or Returns". I fell in ♥ love and took him home! We have five...count 'em FIVE sons that are going to make some amazing husbands one day! That's because I am trying to teach them the necessities of life and preparing them for the "push" out of the nest when they will learn to fly on their own. Of course, they might not think it's such a great idea to be pushed, until they realize what it is like to SOAR on your own strength! I work at home and maintain my BLOG space as best and regularly as I can! My passion in life is to be a listening ear and gentle answer to those who have been beat up, disillusioned, torn down and tossed away in life. I know the pains that life and other people's choices can bring you, and I also know what you need to "pick you up" when you feel hopeless!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Please try to keep totes together as follows:

· RED – Mfloor LRm
· ORANGE – Kitchen – FOODS
· GOLD – Kitchen – Dishes
· BLACK – Garage near front
· PURPLE – Julian – Down Bed
· GREEN – Joshua – Up Bed
· RED/GRN Lids – James–Up Bed

....and so, it begins!!! Today we load -- and say good-bye to St. Michael. God is good! He has blessed me with some incredible people to help -- teams for THREE DAYS! I will be BUSY at hand, so will not be back on to blog or fb or anything else "internet" for awhile. When I return, I'll be excited to post BEFORE and AFTER pics -- videos, and to tell you about how things go!

It's all good Ted! We'll miss you, but "WE CAN DO THIS!" and will get it all set so when you return, all you have to do is walk in, find a chair in the sun and RELAXXXXX!

I KNOW you wanna help, right? Heehee -- gimme a call!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Three more days!!!

It's Monday morning and we are nearly ready! THREE MORE DAYS and we will be moving to our new "staging job" on the lake... Yesterday afternoon, we spent a substantial amount of time gathering our things around our quaint little "temporary" home here and moving them UP to the garage. Given all the stairs and "ups" we will be commandeering in the next weekend, I figured the sooner the better. Now we can (sort of) relax a bit before the trucks and trailers come for the big move.

...the BIG move? ...well, maybe not so big. Always before, it has been six bedrooms and six baths... over 6,000 square feet of living and staging an MOVING STUFF! Back in October 2009 we sold all but our bedrooms on CraigsList . Save a few items that didn't sell for our going price - and believe me it was a FIRESALE! - we'll be starting over when we get to the new house.

For the record, yes, I am still oil pulling - it's working great and I am loving the results. My youngest has joined the routine and is happy as well with what he sees as a result.

...annnnd, YES, I am STILL working with my online mentor Jeremy. The information is wonderful and I can't wait to tell you (when I feel confident enough) about my successes in it!

...and lastly, when we move, I will be starting to try VIDEO blogging! Yep, you'll get to see my pretty face each time I post --- provided I have make up on! ;o) Gonna do some before and afters of the house, as well as some more "helpful tips" and even some recipes, I think! Pretty excited to get this blog looking more the way I dream about it being!

Have a wonderful day! Looks to be nice here in Minnesota!!!

Friday, March 19, 2010

...my journey continues

A dreamer, yes... but I have also been blessed, on many occasions to walk in the promised land of living out my passion of loving people to life. The promised land, to me, has been when God allows those "divine appointments" as some would call them. Those random chance meetings with people - sometimes strangers - that you feel deeply about and desire to show them something new,  maybe just something small, but a tool that they can use to move one step further. It motivates, it encourages... and it performs, if given the chance!

Bruce Wilkinson, in his book "The Dream Giver" also points out how when Moses and Joshua led the Israelites out of Egypt, there was a pattern that typically played out. I have seen it to be very true in my own life as well. I offer this tool to you. Maybe it will also encourage you to not give up on your Dream. When difficulties and hurdles seem to be everywhere you look, press on. Keep the faith! Faith is the evidence of things HOPED FOR and things UNSEEN! KEEP THE FAITH!!!

  • Become aware of your personal Dream or calling, and decide to pursue it.
  • Face your fears as you leave your "place of comfort".
  • Be ready, you WILL face opposition from those around you (mostly due to their own fear!)
  • When you endure the season of difficulty and hurdles, press on -- this will test YOUR faith.
  • You begin to learn and realize the importance of surrender and consecration to God.
  • Giants WILL COME, and you must fight them. They will stand between you and the fulfillment of your Dream.
  • You will reach your full potential, achieve your dream, and bring honor to God - The Dream Giver!
Years and years and years of my life have been cycled in this way as well. I can totally agree. Let your anger, disappointment, frustration, all be directed in the right place. Let it make you more determined than ever to FIGHT and reach your Dream. When you encounter hurts, pains, trials, hurdles... allow them to make you stronger for the road ahead - the NEXT time they come, it's a little easier to get through them! The moment you recognize them as only a "season" in your life, is the moment you turn the corner and are on your way out. There is something about recognizing it that helps you to "dig in" and get through. As a believer, I thank God for the challenges that make me stronger - they build character - and draw me even deeper in my relationship to my Creator!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

I walk in faith... so I have HOPE!

      "I am surrendering my Dream to you, Dream Giver. 
        I've decided that it's you that I can't go on without."

      "Ordinary, I am giving you back your Dream. 
        Now you can use it to serve me. 
        Now you can use it to achieve truly Great Things.
        And I am with you always."
                                                      ~Bruce Wilkinson, Author

I had a dream, once... and I had to lay it down. It was a very hard decision to make, but as hard as it was, I let it go. That dream was gone, for a long time. But I got it back! When it was given back to me by the Dream Giver, it was clearer and more concise than I could have ever imagined...

My journey is hard - as you may know, because you may have experienced some of it with me in the past - or you may be walking with me now. However, I have faith in the one who gave me the dream in the first place, because He has never failed me. Often I have felt alone, or abandoned, but when I get through that place that feels so dark and frightening - and I always DO - I discover that He was my silent companion all along. That realization, keeps me walking in faith through any valley, knowing that it will only be a matter of time and I will pass through the darkness and soon, I will see the light ahead that reveals my next step.

My dream, is my name - my heart, my passion - Loving People To LIFE! Every day, every step and every encounter, I have chosen to view as a new opportunity bringing me one step closer to the end result.

"The Land of Promise" 

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Day Two...quick update...

Okay, this is day two -- and not the same, uneventful, experience as I had yesterday!

I decided to brush my teeth BEFORE the pull, knowing that it would likely be harder to palate that sesame oil if my mouth was fresh and clean -- it was! I had also read about putting drops of tea tree or peppermint essential oil in it for either taste or medicinal. Those who know me best, know that I LOVE Tea Tree oil, so that was my choice. I busied myself and suddenly a small drop of the oil got back in my throat -- it caught me by surprise and the gag reflex was instant!

I ran to the toilet and spit -- it had only been 2 minutes, and when I tried to regain my composure, I was faced with a little phlegm that was "teasing" my uvula and would not let go (sorry to be so graphic). SO, finally able to choke it out, I braved the oil and did it again. This time completing 15 minutes. There's been a bit of a loosening of mucus (I think) in my chest and nose a bit runny... a sign, I suppose, that the detox has begun!

Teeth are smooth as glass and I can't believe how fast acting the oil is on the plaque. You know how your teeth can almost "cut" or pinch your tongue when you have a good cleaning? All the spaces between your teeth are so fresh and perfect. Well, after only 2 oil pulling sessions I am thrilled to say I DON'T FEAR my next cleaning!!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day one "Oil Pulling"....

So, today was my first "Oil Pull"... I am using Sesame Oil. I was a little apprehensive about what to expect with all the testimonies on Earth Clinic about what people have experienced.

I went to the local grocer and found some Cold Pressed Sesame Oil (as opposed to Toasted, or Sesame SEED Oil) that now sits on the bathroom counter to greet me first thing every morning. I keep learning more about it as I go, so my postings may change from time to time -- for example, I did NOT brush my teeth first, but today found out that it is better to do that first. So, tomorrow, I'll brush first!

I took 1 tablespoon of the oil and put it in my mouth. It wasn't as THICK as I thought it might be... thankfully! I started to "swish" it around (no swallowing!) and reminded myself that they suggest finding something to "busy" yourself with so that you don't think about it for the 20 minutes that is required to pull toxins out. I read the grocery ad, changed my clothes, made my DECAF coffee (because caffeine is an ENEMY to Anemics) and promptly spit what was now foamy white oil into the toilet as I flushed it down. Spitting out what more I could, I then rinsed with water and started to drink the recommended 2-3 glasses of water... brushed and flossed my teeth, and was on my way.

The main reason I am writing about it already is to say that I kinda thought my teeth looked a bit whiter... as some have said, but tonight...15 hours later, as I run my tongue across my teeth, they are STILL SMOOTH and clean!!! Something new -- because by this time each day, I can usually feel the proverbial "sweaters" on my teeth that need to be brushed again before bed. NOT TONIGHT!!!

So, tomorrow will be day two. They say it gets easier to tolerate as you keep it up - they also say that if you are going to experience any toxin releases (and icky sicky feelings) it will be in the first 3 days. We'll see. My tummy had a few rumbles today, but nothing I couldn't live with!

And a note to my "followers"... I have been working on some additional blogs that are involving my "passions" like, Month of Meals, Low Carb Living, Organizational Helps and Staging and Decor Hints. I will be adding blogs in those topics - if you wish to follow me there, keep posted here. I will create links to them once they are ready.

See you tomorrow!!!

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Detox, anemia and stuff that ails you!

So after my post last night I started to "look around". I found another really great and informational website for CURES to common problems. I'm pretty excited about it and thought I would share with anyone who is interested... The site is called Earth Clinic, and is just LOADED with home remedies, detox's and helps. Not to mention people who have experienced the miracles of the healing remedies. I have found very LITTLE that is negative, but there is some - which I think is always good. Balance, you know?

So, in an attempt to cure my anemia, endometriosis and whatever else may be lurking inside, (they have a whole list of diagnoses that people get from their doc) I have decided to try the "Oil Pulling" that they talk about, and the Black Strap Molasses (*gag*) with some Farina to make it palatable. They also recommend Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) for the fibroids/endometriosis... not so sure I am BRAVE enough for that one yet!

This "Oil Pulling" thing sounds intriguing... the multiple side BENEFITS of it are pretty awesome! Whiter teeth, more energy, weight loss, vision improvements?! I'll let you know when I see things change!

Monday, March 08, 2010

I am anemic...

And it can really be a DOWNER!!!

People tell me often that my "color doesn't look good" and "are you feeling okay?". So, tonight I post this question "Can chips and salsa help anemia?" to which I got a reply of YES... REALLY?! WOW!

...and that got me thinking... I've just taken advice from people and occasionally a medical person who often tells me to take Iron. Yeah, yeah, yeah... I recently started taking sublingual B-12 dots which seemed to help IMMEDIATELY. But I am certain that my eating has been my worst enemy. I eat about one meal a day, and then not always the best because of our living situation. I've worked VERY HARD to FORCE myself to pay attention and make sure to eat something of value for every meal.

And now, I found this link on Anemia... informative and helpful. Do YOU suffer from anemia? Check it out!

Thursday, March 04, 2010


So, here's the thing... I have been staging and home managing for three years. Many of you know this about us already...when we moved in October, we left the company we were staging for, because we could not find another, and were in financial straights.

In December, the 14th exactly, Ted got a call for work after having been off for almost 18 months. It was bittersweet. We were happy that he had work, but sad that we would have to part, for an undetermined time. He is still gone.

In the meantime, I still LOVE to re-purpose, re-design, re-stage, and re-arrange. It makes one feel so GOOD and gives a newness to an old situation.

So, while on one of my trips to meet Ted halfway, I was "iced in" due to a major ice storm. During that week, I decided to use the time to help out my aunt and uncle who were thinking about selling their house. They'd had a realtor come and see it and give some feedback. He said there was a lot to be done...they told him what I do and he thought that would be great -- so here we go!!

It was a bit of a challenge, because most of the stuff was "well used" and there wasn't any money to purchase new things. But I was determined to make it "new"...if only to help THEM enjoy it and feel better.

The realtor loved the changes, and called to say he had someone he wanted to show it to. The call came on Friday...showing on Saturday... AN OFFER WAS MADE ON SUNDAY, and the house wasn't even listed yet!!! So, does STAGING SELL HOMES???


Tuesday, March 02, 2010

IDEAS abounding!!!

I haven't written for a few days... not the best "consistency" in my opinion, considering my desire is to write every one to two days. I'm getting there, tho. When I originally started this blog, I was only making entries about twice a year, IF I remembered. More often, it ended up being an "Annual Update" of sorts to force me to do my Christmas Newsletter (do people really read them when I send them?).

I am working on this marketing thing daily and every day I get more and more excited!!! This guy is really GOOD! I am stirred... with so many ideas, several of which are informational blogs that I could be writing - or will. "Organizing a Large Family", "Parenting Ideas and Helps", "Marriage Building", "Menu Planning and Month of Meals", "Budgeting" etc., "Products I Like and Recommend", "Staging and Decor Ideas" "Low Carb Lifestyle" or....?

I need some input -- what do YOU think would be a good place to start? I feel like I could do several and enjoy them, but want to be GOOD at what I do -- not overwhelmed with many "Blogging To Do's" every day. So, REALLY, what would YOU suggest???