About Me

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I am a fun loving mom and wife to my wonderful husband, Ted. We were married 25 years ago in 1985. I saw him, and I picked him up. He was wearing a tag that read "AS IS, No Refunds or Returns". I fell in ♥ love and took him home! We have five...count 'em FIVE sons that are going to make some amazing husbands one day! That's because I am trying to teach them the necessities of life and preparing them for the "push" out of the nest when they will learn to fly on their own. Of course, they might not think it's such a great idea to be pushed, until they realize what it is like to SOAR on your own strength! I work at home and maintain my BLOG space as best and regularly as I can! My passion in life is to be a listening ear and gentle answer to those who have been beat up, disillusioned, torn down and tossed away in life. I know the pains that life and other people's choices can bring you, and I also know what you need to "pick you up" when you feel hopeless!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day one "Oil Pulling"....

So, today was my first "Oil Pull"... I am using Sesame Oil. I was a little apprehensive about what to expect with all the testimonies on Earth Clinic about what people have experienced.

I went to the local grocer and found some Cold Pressed Sesame Oil (as opposed to Toasted, or Sesame SEED Oil) that now sits on the bathroom counter to greet me first thing every morning. I keep learning more about it as I go, so my postings may change from time to time -- for example, I did NOT brush my teeth first, but today found out that it is better to do that first. So, tomorrow, I'll brush first!

I took 1 tablespoon of the oil and put it in my mouth. It wasn't as THICK as I thought it might be... thankfully! I started to "swish" it around (no swallowing!) and reminded myself that they suggest finding something to "busy" yourself with so that you don't think about it for the 20 minutes that is required to pull toxins out. I read the grocery ad, changed my clothes, made my DECAF coffee (because caffeine is an ENEMY to Anemics) and promptly spit what was now foamy white oil into the toilet as I flushed it down. Spitting out what more I could, I then rinsed with water and started to drink the recommended 2-3 glasses of water... brushed and flossed my teeth, and was on my way.

The main reason I am writing about it already is to say that I kinda thought my teeth looked a bit whiter... as some have said, but tonight...15 hours later, as I run my tongue across my teeth, they are STILL SMOOTH and clean!!! Something new -- because by this time each day, I can usually feel the proverbial "sweaters" on my teeth that need to be brushed again before bed. NOT TONIGHT!!!

So, tomorrow will be day two. They say it gets easier to tolerate as you keep it up - they also say that if you are going to experience any toxin releases (and icky sicky feelings) it will be in the first 3 days. We'll see. My tummy had a few rumbles today, but nothing I couldn't live with!

And a note to my "followers"... I have been working on some additional blogs that are involving my "passions" like, Month of Meals, Low Carb Living, Organizational Helps and Staging and Decor Hints. I will be adding blogs in those topics - if you wish to follow me there, keep posted here. I will create links to them once they are ready.

See you tomorrow!!!


  1. Thanks for a good article about Oil Pulling

  2. Thanks for reading Leo! I have continued with the Oil Pulling, however rather sporadically. If you have read any more of my posts, "LIFE" kinda got in the way. ;) I still recommend it to my friends who are interested. I AM a believer!!!
